Developing a student-run experiential learning program
9:00 AM | Monday, Nov 11 | Room: A 216
The Experiential Learning Program (XLP) is a student-run program that provides career experiences for students and prepares them with the professionalism skills to succeed. Mason City shares its experiences and details to help others implement this program in their schools.
Topics: Pathways/workforce, Student achievement
Moderator: , ,
Abhishek Bhave, XLP co-chief operations officer (student leader), Mason City
Sarah Kim, chief marketing officer (student leader), Mason City
Rishi Maguluri, XLP co-chief operations officer (student leader), Mason City
Ellie Saylor, outreach manager (student leader), Mason City
Prabhat Majji, healthcare industry manager (student leader), Mason City
Joe Schroeder, experiential learning coordinator, Mason City
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